Thinking about suicide


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SuicideLine Victoria provides phone and online counselling for anyone who is struggling with situations in their life, from feeling low or stressed to the more complex issues of suicidal thoughts and grief arising from suicide. Feeling suicidal is itself a painful experience, but it is not something you have to bear alone. Reaching out for help is an important step towards getting the help you need to keep yourself safe.

SuicideLine Victoria has a number of resources available that can help you through this difficult time. If it is an emergency call 000.


Recovering after a suicide attempt

Following a suicide attempt, you may have conflicting feelings about your experience. It may be that you feel ashamed, confused, relieved, disappointed, or angry that you need help or that you didn’t die. Remember that while all these feelings are probably very intense for you right now, they will pass and a return to normal life is possible.

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How to talk about suicide

If you are overwhelmed with feelings of sadness, anger or pain you may want to escape, and thoughts of suicide can start to surface. This can be an isolating experience but know that you are not alone and help is available. It is vital to reach out and talk with someone you trust if this is happening to you. While it may seem hard to open up, talking to the right person can help a lot with how you are feeling.

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Get help with professional support

Feeling suicidal can be an overwhelming and painful experience, but it is not something you have to bear alone. You can get help. There are services and professionals available to help you through this difficult time. 

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How to make a suicide safety plan

A suicide safety plan can play a vital role in keeping you safe. Your safety plan will remind you of reasons to live, and connect you with people and services who can help during difficult times, giving you perspective when you are feeling low, distressed or thinking about suicide.

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Single session and multi-session counselling help

SuicideLine Victoria provides single session services to all callers and online counselling users; and multi-session services to eligible clients. Understand how our counselling and support services can help you.

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