Mental health week

This Sunday is World Mental Health Day and the start of Mental Health Week in Australia. The theme this year is Do You See What I See? It’s a campaign that challenges some of the stereotypes and perceptions of mental illness.

This Sunday is World Mental Health Day and the start of Mental Health Week in Australia.

The theme this year is Do You See What I See? It’s a campaign that challenges some of the stereotypes and perceptions of mental illness. They are encouraging everyone to look at mental illness in a more positive light. With one in five Australians experiencing a mental illness in any 12-month period, it’s time for us to reduce the stigma so that more people feel encouraged to seek help when they need it.

For World Mental Health Day, they are encouraging everyone to make a #MentalHealthPromise to help reduce the stigma.

Below are examples of some of the promises you can make:

  • Talk to my family and let them know that I am here to listen.
  • Check in with my mates and give them support if they need it.
  • If I am not feeling well, tell my family and close friends that I need support.
  • Be more open about my experiences.
  • Reach out to my community.

World Mental Health Day is also the start of Mental Health Week in Australia.

There are events taking place across the country, take a look to see if there is something near you:


If you need to talk a counsellor about any stresses you are feeling, call SuicideLine Victoria 1300 651 251.

If it is an emergency, call 000.

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