Mental health


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SuicideLine Victoria provides phone and online counselling for anyone struggling with their mental health including anxiety, depression, feeling low, stressed or having suicidal thoughts.

SuicideLine Victoria has a number of resources available that can help you through this difficult time. If it is an emergency call 000.

panic attacks

Understanding panic attacks

In this resource, we cover what can cause a panic attack, common symptoms to look out for, and how to cope if you experience a panic attack.

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Women showing symptoms of anxiety

What are the symptoms of anxiety and what can cause anxiety?

Many of us feel anxious when we have a stressful event  or situation coming up, and we are worried about it. This feeling is temporary and usually goes away after the event or situation has ended. Anxiety is when that feeling of anxiousness does not go away and is long term. Find out more about the symptoms of anxiety and what can cause anxiety.

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Women sat looking concerned, worried about anxiety

I feel anxious, but do I have anxiety?

Most of us know that feeling of anxiousness, nervousness and worry. We may feel anxious before an important event like a job interview, presentation, or moving to a new place. When your anxious feelings do not go away after an event has ended, or you don’t know why you are feeling anxious, you may have anxiety.

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Group of friends sitting at a cafe socialising
What is

What is social anxiety?

Social anxiety is more than just feeling nervous about a social function or event. People who have social anxiety feel an extreme sense of fear and anxiety in social settings and everyday interactions. They often know their fear may be unreasonable, but they are unable to overcome it. Learn how to spot the signs.

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