Concerned about someone
SuicideLine Victoria provides phone and online counselling for anyone who is concerned about someone. Supporting someone who is thinking about suicide can be a stressful situation. You may even feel guilty that you are not doing enough. These are all natural responses. You don’t have to face the situation alone.
SuicideLine Victoria has a number of resources available that can help you through this difficult time. If it is an emergency call 000.

Providing support
Why do people think about suicide?
Trying to understand why someone is considering ending their life can be very challenging. SuicideLine Victoria looks at negative life events and mental illness that could lead to suicidal thoughts.
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Providing support
Recognising suicide warning signs
Someone who is thinking about suicide may give some clues to those around them that show they are distressed. If you recognise some of the suicide warning signs, please take them seriously so that the person can get the support they need.
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Providing support
Supporting someone who may be thinking about suicide
Supporting someone you care about, who is feeling suicidal can represent the beginning of a stressful and upsetting time. You might not be sure what to say to the person, or be worried that you’ll say the wrong thing and make things worse.
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Providing support
Supporting someone after a suicide attempt
Discovering that someone you care about has tried to end their life can be a devastating experience. They will need supporting. Know what to say to someone who has attempted suicide.
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Providing support
Why would someone take their own life?
Suicide is a major public health problem in Australia. 3,128 people took their own lives in 2017. How can you help someone with suicidal thoughts?
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Providing support
Five important steps after someone close attempts suicide
What do you do when you find out someone close to you has tried to end their life?
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Providing support
Friend not coping - advice on how to help
You’ve noticed your friend isn’t coping and you have reached out. You have asked them how they are going and they have admitted they are struggling and feel overwhelmed. Now you’re wondering what to do next. Read our advice on how you can help a friend that’s not coping.
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Providing support
How do you talk to someone who may be suicidal?
Are you worried about someone who may have suicidal thoughts? Allowing them to talk about how they feel is extremely important. Here’s some advice on how to get the conversation started.
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Providing support
How do I help a friend who is thinking about suicide?
Being a friend to somebody who is thinking about suicide is one of the most important undertakings as a friend you can be tasked with. But where do you start? Learn suicide warning signs and how to start a conversation with somebody thinking about suicide.
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Providing support
How do I talk to someone after a suicide attempt?
Discovering someone you care about has attempted to take their life can be a shock. You may find it hard to understand what led up to that point and why you were not able to help. It can be difficult to find the right words when you’re feeling quite emotional yourself. SuicideLine Victoria has some suggestions on how to start the conversation.
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Providing support
Supporting a work colleague
During Mental Health Week and beyond, take the time to notice whether you have a work colleague who is struggling. You may see that they are becoming withdrawn or not coping with their workload.
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Providing support
Supporting someone who is experiencing domestic violence
If someone has told you that they are experiencing domestic violence, you may initially feel overwhelmed and unprepared to help. But there are things you can do to support the person. Understand how you can help someone who is experiencing domestic violence.
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