Bereaved by suicide


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SuicideLine Victoria provides phone and online counselling for anyone who is bereaved by suicide. Bereavement can often be very complicated. In addition to grief, people bereaved can experience shock, guilt, anger and loneliness.

SuicideLine Victoria has a number of resources available that can help you through this difficult time. If it is an emergency call 000.

Women accessing suicide support

Accessing support after a suicide

The time frame for people wishing or needing to seek support after a suicide varies. This often depends on the nature of family and personal networks that people have available. If you don’t feel that you have a good support network or anyone to talk to, or if the grief is significantly affecting your daily life, relationships, or health, you should consider accessing additional support.

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Woman dealing with grief after a suicide

Suicide grief and bereavement - looking after yourself

The grief process is never easy, but the grief experienced when losing someone to suicide can be especially complex and traumatic. Looking after yourself and your own mental health and wellbeing is therefore very important during this challenging time of emotional upheaval. Here are some self-care tips that you may find helpful.

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